Negotiating job offers

Simple resignation letter templates to give notice and say goodbye on your last day at work

Simple letter of resignation and last day at work email templates

by Josh Doody

You’ve decided to move on to your next career opportunity and you need to give your notice and then say goodbye to your colleagues on your last day at work. But even something as simple as writing a resignation letter or saying goodbye can feel overwhelming when things are changing so quickly.

And once you’ve told your manager that you’re resigning, you will need to communicate with your team to say goodbye and make sure everyone knows how to stay in touch. Your professional network will be your greatest source of career opportunities and this may be your last chance to reach out to your team and make a lasting connection.

These simple letter of resignation and last day email templates will help you give your notice without feeling stressed and leave on good terms while expanding your professional network.

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Both emails use a simple format so you can easily edit them for your own situation. Just replace the [bold text in brackets] with your own personal details and you’re all set!

Resignation letter template to give your two weeks notice

Keep your resignation letter short and sweet. You want to make it clear that you’re leaving and that you plan to wrap up your open projects and facilitate the transitioning of your work to other colleagues. But you don’t want to over-communicate.

This letter of resignation template will work for almost any situation whether you’re leaving for personal reasons or a great new opportunity at another company.

As you can see, there’s an optional paragraph you might add if you have long-running projects that may take more than two weeks to transition and you have flexibility in your schedule to work more than two weeks before your final day.

Sample last day at work email to say goodbye to your colleagues

Once you’ve given your notice, you’ll work hard to wrap things up before you go. But before your last day, you want to make sure to reach out to say goodbye to your teammates and colleagues and make sure they know how to get in touch.

This is a pretty standard practice nowadays. Usually, people put together an email to their team, or practice, or department, tell them it was great working them, they’ll be missed, and to reach out if they ever need anything. This is about 50% genuine and 50% networking.

The genuine part is that you’re giving your former coworkers a way to find you if they run into an issue with one of your old responsibilities. The networking part is that you’re sharing your name, email address and phone number so that your coworkers have your contact info in case they find an awesome job you would be right for.

Here’s a short farewell email sample you can use to say goodbye and make sure your former coworkers know how to find you if they need to. This is a real email—slightly modified—that I sent when I left a great job.

You’re making a big career move by leaving your company, and there are big things ahead to focus on. But make sure your resignation letter and goodbye message allow you to leave on the best possible terms so you can continue building your professional network and positioning yourself for greater opportunities in the future.

You've changed jobs before and felt like you were leaving money on the table. You never have to feel that way again.

In this free 5-email series, I will show you how to conquer that feeling for good.

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